Meet my New Testament Greek students. They are simply amazing. Not necessarily because they excel at Greek (most of them struggle, as I do). They are amazing because of their stamina and determination. They attend Bible college classes 4 or 5 nights a week, from 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. Most of them work full time, are active in their local church, and have families.
The photo with the smaller number of students is the Greek I class, and the larger group is Greek III. I have both classes on Thursday nights, and look forward to their stimulating questions. My goal is to get them into the Greek text as much as possible (can you see some of my Greek scribbling on the chalkboard in the lower photo?).
When do they have time to study? Good question! On the bus, after midnight, weekends. They do what they have to do. And because they believe that God has called them to serve the Brazilian church, they press on. They want to be well-prepared. I admire their commitment and introduce them to you, so that you can do the same.