We both continue to edit and translate books for the Brazilian church. (This is not our only ministry activity, but it is probably the main event right now.)
I was the editor for the Manual de primeiros socorros para ministério com jovens e adolescentes (Emergency Response Handbook for Youth Ministries). The book is aimed at youth leaders and parents, providing an overview of 12 different crises facing youth today. Each chapter gives practical ideas for helping students at their points of need.
My job included checking the accuracy of the translation and making some minor adaptations for the Brazilian context. Unlike most books, for this one I wrote an additional chapter which addressed a crisis which is more acute for youth in Brazil: employment.
Lalia's strong suit is translation from English to Portuguese. Another one of her literary "children" just came off the press: Zooclopédia: 52 mensagens e lições bíblicas do mundo animal (Zoopedia: 52 Bible lessons from the animal world). This book is aimed at teachers of children from 6 to 11 years, and provides step-by-step lesson instructions. It is gratifying to know that the many hours invested in crafting a good Portuguese translation are now making a difference for teachers all over Brazil!